recap on 23 Aug biotech alert +74% returns
Hello to all. I want to recap on the biotech space where I wrote about four names, NKTR, JUNO, TGTX, and the IBB. Well it's been a whole week since, so let's look at the numbers.
*past prices based on 22 Aug close prices and present are from 31 Aug intraday prices.
In the wee hours of the morning while you sleep Emerald Chase was looking at the charts and got the word out to you. Any one of these names would have made you a gain. I wish I had bought single call options of JUNO, the reason why this strategy gives limitless profit potential off defined risk. With a +50% gain in the underlying stock price this would have made well above a +400% rate of return on capital risked. There are times to play the single and this was one of them. Most of the time I would prefer a call spread to avoid the time decay.
What's really cool is that after Emerald Chase blogged on these names Investopedia wrote an article on the morning of 24 Aug saying biotech was due for a bounce; see Here is Why a Biotech is Coming . Kind of gratifying I must say! No time to pat myself on the back, there's only time to find another opportunity for you.
Folks get in the know today and at a minimum open a paper account with TD Ameritrade (its how I started and still paper trade while live money trading ) and grow that sucker off the Emerald Chase alerts. Heck we've been giving away free advice and if you invested/traded just off the blog posts you would be up. Start doing something financially responsible for yourself and or your family's future by taking a step towards the equities market where the majority of this great country's wealth is produced for individuals. Let us save you the time and give you the edge. Thank you for reading and I am an emerald chaser!