TG Therapeutics will/did get it done!
If you were an Emerald Chaser you would have access to the precise trade that had the least risk and most profit potential. When I alerted TGTX to the Emerald Chasers out there the Jun 16 calls cost $.08 per share on Thursday. Friday intraday, they went for an average of $.32. Your profit is the difference between .32 and .08 times 100 times the amount of contracts you that's 300% return on your money (if you were in the know).
TGTX like I said will get you done! Friday closed over +17%! But she isn't done yet, still upside potential. I got in before market close on Thursday (check my FB post 01 Jun @ 2:10pm) took profits on Friday enough to cover my cost of trade now I am still in the trade for free. Get in the know by signing up for free on our page to see if it is something that is right for you. I am an Emerald Chaser!